Friday, December 10, 2010

Catching Up

Sorry it's been a while since I updated! We aren't really that busy, just doing the normal day to day stuff with some added behavior problems added in from having a tree and presents in the house! ;o)

First, we have a new member of the household visiting for a while. His name is Ralph Elf Mistletoe and he's an Elf on the Shelf. Supposedly, he goes to Santa each night while the kids sleep to tell of their behavior for that day. Then he moves to a new spot the next morning, often making a mess or doing something silly! He has turned the toilet water glittery, hung out on the village church steeple, scattered tissues around the room, left all the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen standing open, brought us presents, and made a train from our presents thru the living room! He's been alot of fun already, but he's only staying til Christmas Eve night.

Kaitlyn has had a hard time with behavior lately. I think it's all the excitement of Christmas time mixed with just being 3 1/2! We celebrated her half birthday on 12/4 with cupcakes for dessert and a trip to the dollar movies. I'm so excited about her Christmas presents- I know she's going to love them!

Brittney is doing well in school, excited about their class party next Friday. She is picking out her own clothes these days and cracking me up with what she puts together. Today, she wore a long skirt to school with fleece pajama pants underneath to stay warm and a short sleeved white shirt over a long sleeved white shirt. I guess if one outfit gets dirty she can wear the other one, right? *LOL*

Zane is rolling all over the living room floor as I write this. I came into the room one night while cooking dinner to find him under the tree with an ornament he had pulled off! He will sit up for a few seconds on his own, but has no interest at all in crawling. Rolling works fine for him! He will very soon be eating us out of house and home- I have found no food at all that he doesn't like! He begs for our food as soon as we sit down and will eat it too! He even finished off my coleslaw at a restaurant the other night!

David is working hard and we are so proud of him! He is looking foward to the holidays, even if he doesn't really get any extra time off. Holidays on the weekends are just wrong! ;o) I'm excited about giving him his presents too! Heehee!

And me, I'm just trying to keep the ball rolling. I'm 99% done Christmas shopping and it's even all wrapped and under the tree. (Where else better to hide presents than in wrapping paper!!?) We've got Christmas cards to go out, Christmas parties and playdates, visitation schedule, company coming, and all kinds of exciting things!
I thought this was funny- We got a Christmas card in the mail this week from a family member addressed to David, Meredith, Brittney and Kaitlyn. I realized they didn't even know we had Zane!! Gotta keep in touch better....

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