Thursday, November 18, 2010

I might survive!!

David has been in Washington D.C. this week for work. Just a few days, but he travels so little that I'm so not used to it when it does happen! I might survive with the kids by myself til we pick him up from the airport tomorrow night. ;o) I appreciate that man so much- just the sanity he provides by coming home each evening and listening to me!

Kaitlyn, Zane, and I went to MOPS this morning. Actually it's MOMS now since it's not "Moms of PRESCHOOLERS" anymore, but Kaitlyn and I still call it MOPS! Mom's is my mom's house, gets confusing. We made apple pies. YUM! Going to cut myself a piece with some vanilla ice cream when I'm done typing this... Done now..... *LOL*

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Zoo and Buffy the Bison

Yesterday was Military Appreciation Day at the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere. So we packed everyone up, dug out David's military discharge papers from when he was in the Army, and took off! Wow, our van makes traveling so much easier! No one is touching anyone else; there are tv's to watch; and best of all, it has the best navigation system ever! Every single time David and I have been to Tennessee, we have gotten lost. Except yesterday.

The zoo was awesome! The playground inside the zoo was reason to go back! Brittney and Kaitlyn could have spent the day there! Even Zane got to swing and loved it!
After the zoo, we went to Ted's Montana Grill for an early dinner. They offer different dishes in beef or bison, and we usually get bison since we can get beef anywhere! ;o) It's really good and tender. The waitress said it's leaner than chicken!!
While at dinner, David was taking pics of the girls with the giant bison head in the background. He nicknamed it Buffy the Buffalo. So I had to google the difference in a bison and buffalo: I still don't know the difference except buffalo are from Asia and bison are American. ????

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Today was Veteran's Day so school was out. (Sidenote: I've seen people posting thanks to veterans on Facebook all day long but had to look up how to spell it for that sentence!!) I had promised Brittney I would take her to Build-A-Bear for her birthday since Kaitlyn had gotten to go on her birthday this year. The only problem is that Brittney's birthday is 2 days after Thanksgiving = shopping madness!! So I convinced her today was a good day to go. Ok, so I mentioned it and she jumped on board for "celebrating" early. She got a peace sign bear in pajamas- SO her right now! I think she'd wear pj's and slippers to school if we let her!

We also ate in the food court, I nursed Zane in the kiddie play area (see note) while Kaitlyn took a nosedive, literally, off of one of the playstructures, and we got stuck in traffic. Apparently everyone else went to that mall today too!

---> Note. Heehee. So I nursed him with my cover in the play area because the "great" family nursing room they had reeked horribly of smoke! Not like a smoker had just used it, but that they had actually smoked in there! Ick.

Can I also say that getting "stuck" in traffic is not bad at all when the kids have a tv to watch in the car?? I can't wait til Zane can turn around to see it too. Maybe then he will like riding in the car..... just maybe.

PS- I love my little boy dearly. It may seem I complain about everything about him, but I adore that child. Complaining right now is just a side effect of not enough sleep coupled with a child that cries when I try to clean the house resulting in a messy house and frazzled mommy. This too shall pass. Too quickly, I might add. Had to put that out there.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 days...

In just five days, my baby boy will be 7 months old. Wow. How times flies by when you aren't sleeping! Zane has done really well from the beginning at sleeping thru the night. It's sleeping during the day that he refuses to do! He also refuses to sit up, crawl, or stand. He will when he's ready... maybe.

Kaitlyn is excited about the holidays. She's almost 3 1/2 and is constantly adding things to her "Ho Ho List!" She will even tell you that she wants "everything." Sometimes she's super sweet, ok, alot of the time. But she knows how to get her way too! ;o)

Brittney is doing really well in school. Her conduct has even improved this year! She got her first B on a report card this quarter- before now it's been straight A's. Even so, a "B" in the fourth grade though- Great job, girly!

David is working hard to support our family. He recently got a Nitro powered remote control car that he's trying to tinker with a little. He has the "need for speed!"

And me? Well, I'm working with the 3rd and 4th grade girls in Awanas, listening to verses. I'm also a Discussion Group Leader in our MOMS group. I am Christmas shopping like crazy, online! I even think I'm going to sit out this year's Black Friday shopping because I'm getting such great prices online for things we actually want, not just what's on sale.

I plan to try to update this often, so stay tuned!